Saturday, June 23, 2007


After Day 2 of shooting Howard, Ben, Danny, Frank and I went on a side trip to Idaho. It was only about a 30 minute drive.

We kind of just drove in to say we'd been to Idaho and Howard and Danny wanted to scout out the hunting. We also stopped by a area with old cedar trees. They were pretty big.

This is what Danny and I look like after our bladders feel less pressure.

We saw a ton of deer and a couple of rabbits. We were also lucky enough to see this moose. We weren't fortunate enough to have the guns with us.

On our way back we also ran into 18 elk, not literally. Makes your mouth water, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya’ll got to see some beautiful country today…
I did not realize that a Cedar tree could get near that big !!!
